Saturday, January 22, 2011

Weigh In 1/23/11

Again, time for weigh in!

Hope this week has been successful for you all! I received a message from one of your fellow biggest loser companions. It was a before and after of what was being eaten and done as far as activities. There are some great tips!

"I sat down and really looked at what I was eating and how much. I have made some drastic changes and it is showing already.


Before: 32oz - 48 oz Diet Lime Coke/day
Now: 0 (12 days and no soda)

Blood Pressure:
Before: 135/90
Now: 124/78
(Even on a blood pressure medication I was in the low end of high blood pressure.)


Before: 4 sandwiches a day (white bread)
Now: 1 sandwich (whole Wheat)


Before: Eat until I am stuffed
Now: Portion Control, less carbs


Before: Basketball 1 night a week
Now: Basketball 2 nights and biggest loser video with wife
Before: Watch a movie on the couch

Now: Watching a movie and lifting weights"

I've found that the smallest of changes can make the most overall impact! Don't think of changing everything overnight. It's possible to make drastic changes, however these changes usually don't stick for very long. It takes 21 days to make a new habit. It's always good to REPLACE a bad habit with a good one instead of just trying to get rid of the bad habit. By making small and simple changes, big things can happen. These small and simple changes will become your NEW habits! These good habits are going to mold the new and healthy you you've always wanted to be!!!!!

Over a year ago, I had just resolved that I was going to be big the rest of my life. I started to get rid of my smaller clothes and giving up all hope that I would ever be smaller again. Last year, something changed in me. I found this confidence I had lost some time before. Almost 45 lbs later, I still have hope that I'll be a smaller, more healthy ME! It's taken me a while to reach that almost 45 lbs, but for the most part, it's staying off! This is the new me! This is who I've wanted to become!

Just remember...when it starts to get tough...and it will...REMEMBER who you want to become...who you TRULY are inside!!!!

Have a GREAT week!!!!!


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