Monday, February 7, 2011

Let the Journey Continue!


I'm Holly, and I have a weakness for dieting. I guess it could be worse! :) I have been "chubby" since puberty, so while I didn't really DO anything about it until I realized I was going to need to fit in a wedding dress 15 years ago, the weight "issue" has always been there.

I joined Jenny Craig back in 1994 to try & lose weight before my wedding (after gaining the Freshman 15...and adding 15 more to that - I'm an over-achiever). It was great...I lost 35 lbs, and felt GREAT on my wedding day! Then I had to start eating "real" food again...and I gained it all back, plus 20 more (did I mention I'm an over-achiever?).

I focused on my career for 6 years, which meant a lot of travel, team meetings with pizza lunches, and eating out...and then we decided to have a baby. I gained 35 lbs with my son, lost 9lbs 4oz on his birthday, and that was it. I kept the rest! 18 Months passed, we decided we wanted to consider a 2nd baby. I wanted to lose some weight first...I got pregnant that week. I worked hard not to gain too much with my daughter, and I hit 196.2 at my post-delivery dr. appt. And despite "dieting" throughout the years...I stayed at 196.2 for nearly 5 years.

I joined Weight Watchers in 2009, and lost 30 lbs....just under 1/2 of my goal, but then I quit. I maintained that loss for a while, but it slowly crept back up by 14 lbs. So here I am...

In January this year, I decided I was done with "dieting". I'm making a major lifestyle change! I re-joined Weight Watchers, I'm eating healthy, I'm getting my heart rate up every single day for at least 30 minutes. I'm showing my kids what healthy ACTS like, and hopefully, in the process, what it LOOKS like too!!

I'm so encouraged to see other's journey, and know I'm not alone! I can't wait to see how healthy & svelte we all are!!