Saturday, January 15, 2011

WEIGH IN 1/15/11

Hi everyone!!!!!!

I just wanted to remind you that our first official weigh in is tomorrow!!!!! Please email me with your weight. Try to use the same machine as you did when you first weighed in and every time here-after. Weigh in's will be every Sunday!

As for this weeks tips/tricks...I have to say I've had a hard week myself. We're all going to have those times. We've been so tired, haven't worked out like we wanted, eaten a little too much, OR we've worked out like mad and eaten great .... BUT YOU STILL GAIN!

After this past year, I've had my fair share of gains and losses. You're always going to have the ups and downs while your body is still changing. Keep it in your head that this WILL happen and NOT to give up! Just know that sometimes this just happens, no matter what we do. But what we do about it is what changes how we deal with weight the rest of our lives. We need to change our frame of mind. Weight loss isn't just about food. It's all mental! I used to just give up and forget the entire nutritian thing. I would get so frustrated! But this past year, I had a great support system and those days that I had gained, I was able to vent my frustration and had someone there to tell me that I'd get thru it. And I did! This week has been one of those weeks, but I know it's just temporary. The exception, not the rule.

Generally when anyone starts a new weight loss program, the first week or two are great! Then things start to slow down. Just BE CONSISTANT AND KEEP WITH IT!!!!! Celebrate EACH pound! But don't get discouraged if you gain one week. You'll probably loose 2 or 5 before you have a small gain again. IT'S OK! JUST KEEP WITH IT!!!!

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