Friday, January 7, 2011

My turn! order to stay pseudo-anonymous, I've chosen to stick with my moniker Silas. So here I go...

I found myself like 8 years ago looking at a picture of myself, horrified. I don't suppose I had ever really been in shape after high school, but it was terrifying to look at. I am going to try to dig it up again, to post here.

Either way, it was bad. I had topped off at over 336 pounds. Kinda sucked.

So I vowed to make a change. A big one. I went and joined a popular weight loss program, and over the next year, I lost over 130 pounds, got to where I was happy, healthy, and thin!

Did you know that if you don't actually make a change, and STICK WITH IT, you gain all the weight back?

Well, not all of it - I don't know if Stephne will be posting the starting weight, and I am at 298.5 again.

I have been looking for motivation for a long time. It was always, "I'll start again soon," or "I'll start tomorrow," or...well, you know.

I have come to the conclusion that there IS no tomorrow. You cannot start tomorrow. It never really arrives.

So...from now on, I'm starting this moment. Not tomorrow, not Monday, not even tonight. I am starting to work my way back to health right NOW.

Well, this fun little program came along at just the right moment. I am wanting motivation, and here it is!

So far so good. Good luck to everyone...


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