Friday, January 28, 2011

Not giving up

Hi Biggest Losers!

I have to start by saying how proud I am of all of you for finding the motivation to keep going and not giving up. I joined this challenge with my beautiful sister. To date I have not lost any weight but keep gaining the weight. I am a stay at home mom of 3 awesome kids. Since I had my oldest I have gained over 60 lbs. I have had many struggles going up and down and now, well i just go up. I have just been diagnosed with Hypothyroidism and a handful of other medical problems. BUT I am not giving up. I know that results will come in time and my body is not where it needs to be. Am I discouraged? YES Am I giving up? NO. Why should I. I am finding that my sister and my husband are my biggest fans and I will always be my sisters biggest fan.

My Diet for over a month now has been the Paleo diet (A.K.A. Hunters Gatherers diet). My diet consists of fruits, nuts, vegetables and meats. I just reintroduced milk in moderation back into my diet and so far its going ok. I work out 5 days a week and coach cheer for 1st and 2nd graders on Saturdays. No I am not losing the weight but it helps having an amazing husband who is being supportive and eating the same food as I am. Not to mention the self confidence is starting to come back. Yay!

I encourage all of you to find what works for you and keep going. In those times where you are discouraged remember muscle weighs more than fat and for us ladies, water weight just plain sucks. Next week will be better. :)

I wish you all the best and if you need encouragment, send me a note. I would be glad to keep you going. You are not alone in any of this.
My start weight was 182 and now its 188. (HUGE SIGH) NOT GIVING UP!!

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