Monday, January 17, 2011

Hi! I'm Kandee.

Just thought I'd start by thanking Stephne for setting this up. I needed some extra motivation to do this and this was a godsend! So thank you, thank you!

I was always oblivious of my weight before I was married thinking I was "fat" in comparison to the waifs of my High School Era gracing the pages of Seventeen and Vogue. I got married and had five kids and then I realized that my High School "fat" wasn't fat at all; it was a normal healthy weight. I'm 5'10 and in High School I fluctuated between 145 and 150.

After having 5 lil blessings I packed on 50 more pounds never seeming to be able to shed them all... slowing gaining more with each pregnancy. I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes with my 4th and 5th pregnancies so I had to be VERY careful with eating if I didn't want shots. Well I'm horrifically afraid of needles so that was VERY motivating. Otherwise I'm sure I would've put on more weight with the last two instead of losing weight during my pregnancies. (Unintentionally, I assure you. just having no sugar and being super strict when I ate and how...not to mention throwing up.)

I have hypothyroidism and fibromyalgia so the diet I've put myself on is probably differet than anyone here. I'm trying to make my fibromyalgia (FMS) better. ::crosses fingers:: In the winter my FMS gets worse. So I am hoping that I don't have a flare up which would kill the whole "working out" thing I've got going for me.

So the numbers look like this so far...
Start weight: 196
Last weigh in: 187
I doubt I can sustain this kind of weight loss but I'm reassured that at least I can get down to a healthy weight for me and maybe in the mean time condition my body so that I'm not in so much pain. If ya wanna know the diet I'm following I'll make another post, just comment. I don't have much time in between the 5 kidlets but I'll get back here.

Good luck to everyone! I'm excited already!


  1. I am curious about your diet. I would love to know about it. I also have recently been diagnosed with hypothyroidism
