Sunday, January 30, 2011

There is never a good time to start being healthy

Hello fellow Losers,

Wow!!! Where to begin, but at the beginning. My name is Xochitl and I've had the pleasure of knowing Steph from our days back at The Walt Disney Travel Co. She was such a great mentor then and she still is, even way back in Utah.

I've been overweight my whole life. Since in the womb I suppose, so this lifestyle is my comfort zone. I've always lost weight, but regained it plus some, lost some, gained some, etc. I'm a human yo yo when it comes to weight loss and gain. I have no excuses but only blame on myself for not sticking to the loss of the weight. This time around however is different. Why you ask? Well now, I have 3 babies that I just simply adore, and they need their mommy to be active and healthy, forever. The other reason is my sis. I'm doing this great challenge with her and we together will overcome this craziness and be healthy and get to go shopping for cute clothes together soon.

I started my weight loss this time around at 228. OUCH!!!! I'm at 215. Not bad, but currently, I know that water retention is my enemy. I will just have to wrap my self up in saran wrap next time I work out, to get the water out!!! I'm joking, I promise.

Happy losing, and may the best woman prevail.



Friday, January 28, 2011

Not giving up

Hi Biggest Losers!

I have to start by saying how proud I am of all of you for finding the motivation to keep going and not giving up. I joined this challenge with my beautiful sister. To date I have not lost any weight but keep gaining the weight. I am a stay at home mom of 3 awesome kids. Since I had my oldest I have gained over 60 lbs. I have had many struggles going up and down and now, well i just go up. I have just been diagnosed with Hypothyroidism and a handful of other medical problems. BUT I am not giving up. I know that results will come in time and my body is not where it needs to be. Am I discouraged? YES Am I giving up? NO. Why should I. I am finding that my sister and my husband are my biggest fans and I will always be my sisters biggest fan.

My Diet for over a month now has been the Paleo diet (A.K.A. Hunters Gatherers diet). My diet consists of fruits, nuts, vegetables and meats. I just reintroduced milk in moderation back into my diet and so far its going ok. I work out 5 days a week and coach cheer for 1st and 2nd graders on Saturdays. No I am not losing the weight but it helps having an amazing husband who is being supportive and eating the same food as I am. Not to mention the self confidence is starting to come back. Yay!

I encourage all of you to find what works for you and keep going. In those times where you are discouraged remember muscle weighs more than fat and for us ladies, water weight just plain sucks. Next week will be better. :)

I wish you all the best and if you need encouragment, send me a note. I would be glad to keep you going. You are not alone in any of this.
My start weight was 182 and now its 188. (HUGE SIGH) NOT GIVING UP!!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Article on Carbs

Found this article about Carbs. It's good to have them, as long as they're good carbs! It can actually be beneficial to your weight loss!



Monday, January 24, 2011

Another interesting article!

Hi everyone!

Hope y'all are doing great with this weight loss challenge!

I've found another article that may be of interest. I know that most of you do have children, but it's worth reading.

Happy losing!


Sunday, January 23, 2011

My diet plan

So weigh in time is here again.. I'm looking forward to Sundays now. :)

I guess I'll post what I post on Facebook every Sunday here.

Yep I've made it public. I figure that if I hold myself accountable to my friends it's extra motivation. So far so good!

As for my diet:
For breakfast I've done mostly a "green" drink. Which is made in my blender and shared with my hubby. It varies depending what I have on hand but basically...
Ingredrients: 2 bananas
handful of blueberries
large handful of Spinach
a cup to a cup and 1/2 of frozen strawberries
a cup to a cup and 1/2 of Frozen Pineapple
one tbs of Flaxseed oil
the meat of a young coconut
the coconut water out of the same coconut
(If no Coconut water I use 1 and 1/2 cups of distilled water)

Sometimes I stick in a stalk of celery, I've put in swisschard and kale before but my husband doesn't like the taste of either... so since he's doing this with me I've omitted them. The spinach doesn't overpower the fruit taste but the kale and swisschard are stronger flavored so you end up with a greenish looking fruit tasting smoothie. It's yummy!

On days that I want something hot I cook up a serving of steel-cut oatmeal and stir a half of a chopped up apple into it with whatever else I might fancy. I've done apples and raisens with cinnamon and apples and bananas both were splendid. I sweetened it with 2 tsp of raw honey.

Lunch is a HUGE salad with Spring green mix or just baby spinach. I've chopped up an apple and put raisens, cinnamon and fresh squeezed OJ on it YUMMY! or just loaded it up with tomatoes, mushrooms, cucumbers, radishes, carrots, celery, and ny other veggies in the fridge that I fancy. I make my own dressing or put on a premade dressing in moderation. (No more than 2 tablespoons and usually Italian)

For dinner lots of options. Baked potatoes, lots of different soups, veggie pancakes, tacos with whole wheat tortillas no sour cream and LOTS of salsa and tiny amounts of cheese (because cheese is mostly fat) so a sensible dinner basically.

Oh and WATER lots of Water!
I workout every other day because of the FMS and I don't want to overdo.

Sunday is my "free" day. I eat what I want just in moderation. Like waffles... just one serving.

I guess my diet is a combination of the Body for Life and Eat to Live. It seems to be working. so :crosses my finger: here's hoping it keeps going.

Good Luck to all.


Saturday, January 22, 2011

Weigh In 1/23/11

Again, time for weigh in!

Hope this week has been successful for you all! I received a message from one of your fellow biggest loser companions. It was a before and after of what was being eaten and done as far as activities. There are some great tips!

"I sat down and really looked at what I was eating and how much. I have made some drastic changes and it is showing already.


Before: 32oz - 48 oz Diet Lime Coke/day
Now: 0 (12 days and no soda)

Blood Pressure:
Before: 135/90
Now: 124/78
(Even on a blood pressure medication I was in the low end of high blood pressure.)


Before: 4 sandwiches a day (white bread)
Now: 1 sandwich (whole Wheat)


Before: Eat until I am stuffed
Now: Portion Control, less carbs


Before: Basketball 1 night a week
Now: Basketball 2 nights and biggest loser video with wife
Before: Watch a movie on the couch

Now: Watching a movie and lifting weights"

I've found that the smallest of changes can make the most overall impact! Don't think of changing everything overnight. It's possible to make drastic changes, however these changes usually don't stick for very long. It takes 21 days to make a new habit. It's always good to REPLACE a bad habit with a good one instead of just trying to get rid of the bad habit. By making small and simple changes, big things can happen. These small and simple changes will become your NEW habits! These good habits are going to mold the new and healthy you you've always wanted to be!!!!!

Over a year ago, I had just resolved that I was going to be big the rest of my life. I started to get rid of my smaller clothes and giving up all hope that I would ever be smaller again. Last year, something changed in me. I found this confidence I had lost some time before. Almost 45 lbs later, I still have hope that I'll be a smaller, more healthy ME! It's taken me a while to reach that almost 45 lbs, but for the most part, it's staying off! This is the new me! This is who I've wanted to become!

Just remember...when it starts to get tough...and it will...REMEMBER who you want to become...who you TRULY are inside!!!!

Have a GREAT week!!!!!


Thursday, January 20, 2011


So lately I have had a problem with my Insomnia and waking up in the middle of the night and snacking!!!! How do I break this habit??? I am open to any suggestions.


Progress report (Thursday's Report)

By now you'd think I'd remember to log in and post about how I've been doing... but you know. Life never stops!

With that said, I'm off and walking. No, really... walking!

My numbers?

Starting weight: 183 lbs
Sunday 1/16 weigh in: 178.6 lbs

This is HUGE for me, seeing that this week I've cut out virtually all sodas. It also helps that I recently got my braces taken off and had my teeth whitened, so, that's a 'sweet' motivational point for me; not to mention that I want to get rid of my diabetes. Diabetes can kiss my @$$!!

Today, I managed to walk 2.2 miles in the Canyon Crest area of Riverside. Not only did I do it, but I was able to walk with two of my coworkers from Costco who also want to lose weight. We're gonna try to do it on a weekly basis. Me? I want to use the weather as an excuse to go out and walk, plus my dogs will enjoy the weather with me. They'll do ANYTHING to get me out of the house, even if it's to go pick up the mail.

I'll catch you all on the flip side,


Follow crayonwonder on Twitter

Monday, January 17, 2011

Hi! I'm Kandee.

Just thought I'd start by thanking Stephne for setting this up. I needed some extra motivation to do this and this was a godsend! So thank you, thank you!

I was always oblivious of my weight before I was married thinking I was "fat" in comparison to the waifs of my High School Era gracing the pages of Seventeen and Vogue. I got married and had five kids and then I realized that my High School "fat" wasn't fat at all; it was a normal healthy weight. I'm 5'10 and in High School I fluctuated between 145 and 150.

After having 5 lil blessings I packed on 50 more pounds never seeming to be able to shed them all... slowing gaining more with each pregnancy. I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes with my 4th and 5th pregnancies so I had to be VERY careful with eating if I didn't want shots. Well I'm horrifically afraid of needles so that was VERY motivating. Otherwise I'm sure I would've put on more weight with the last two instead of losing weight during my pregnancies. (Unintentionally, I assure you. just having no sugar and being super strict when I ate and how...not to mention throwing up.)

I have hypothyroidism and fibromyalgia so the diet I've put myself on is probably differet than anyone here. I'm trying to make my fibromyalgia (FMS) better. ::crosses fingers:: In the winter my FMS gets worse. So I am hoping that I don't have a flare up which would kill the whole "working out" thing I've got going for me.

So the numbers look like this so far...
Start weight: 196
Last weigh in: 187
I doubt I can sustain this kind of weight loss but I'm reassured that at least I can get down to a healthy weight for me and maybe in the mean time condition my body so that I'm not in so much pain. If ya wanna know the diet I'm following I'll make another post, just comment. I don't have much time in between the 5 kidlets but I'll get back here.

Good luck to everyone! I'm excited already!


So I know it's the first week - my first weeks back on plan are always good. (I should know, I have enough of them...hehehe...) And I know it's actually a week and a half...

Start: 298.5
Yesterday: 292.2

I am down 6.3 pounds this weigh-in!

I'm pretty excited.

Here's to a good new week!


Saturday, January 15, 2011

WEIGH IN 1/15/11

Hi everyone!!!!!!

I just wanted to remind you that our first official weigh in is tomorrow!!!!! Please email me with your weight. Try to use the same machine as you did when you first weighed in and every time here-after. Weigh in's will be every Sunday!

As for this weeks tips/tricks...I have to say I've had a hard week myself. We're all going to have those times. We've been so tired, haven't worked out like we wanted, eaten a little too much, OR we've worked out like mad and eaten great .... BUT YOU STILL GAIN!

After this past year, I've had my fair share of gains and losses. You're always going to have the ups and downs while your body is still changing. Keep it in your head that this WILL happen and NOT to give up! Just know that sometimes this just happens, no matter what we do. But what we do about it is what changes how we deal with weight the rest of our lives. We need to change our frame of mind. Weight loss isn't just about food. It's all mental! I used to just give up and forget the entire nutritian thing. I would get so frustrated! But this past year, I had a great support system and those days that I had gained, I was able to vent my frustration and had someone there to tell me that I'd get thru it. And I did! This week has been one of those weeks, but I know it's just temporary. The exception, not the rule.

Generally when anyone starts a new weight loss program, the first week or two are great! Then things start to slow down. Just BE CONSISTANT AND KEEP WITH IT!!!!! Celebrate EACH pound! But don't get discouraged if you gain one week. You'll probably loose 2 or 5 before you have a small gain again. IT'S OK! JUST KEEP WITH IT!!!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Reader's Digest's "7 Healthy Numbers That Count for 2011"

Hi fellow Biggest Loser compatriots!

I found this interesting slideshow ( that might be of interest to you all.

Happy losing!

Lizette's here!

Hi guys and dolls!

I first wanna thank Stephne for the idea of the Biggest Loser Challenge for us.  Secondly, this was not the hardest decision I made this year, simply because my health depends on my losing weight (or maintaing it, for that matter).

So, a little back history on my end:

I am a thyroid disease survivor and a diabetic.  The reason for my saying I'm a thyroid disease survivor is that I've kicked my hyperthyroid disease (Grave's) in its nuts when I got diagnosed with diabetes; which is a weird way of saying my diabetes has 'taken away' my thyroid issues... but I digress.

So, I've been managing both my health issues (gifts, really) since November 2000.  I really can say I was blessed with these gifts because now I have an excuse to really take care of myself and watch what I eat. BUT! Lately I've been really lacking in my discipline and my blood sugars are up so high that it's like the Dow Jones made money - the bad kind of money.

When Stephne's idea came around some weeks ago, I jumped at the chance to get support from you and to tell myself, "It's OK to let something go in your life. It might as well be your weight!" With this said, I wanna get encouraged and also support you all in this challenge we've been given!

I'll post pictures up soon.  Promise me you won't laugh.  But you're more than welcome to point and stare. XD

I do want to know if you have any recipes that have worked for you, or any exercises that have also worked for you.  I'll also post articles that might help out as well for us as a collective.

Whelp.  That's it. I'll catch you all really soon!

Happy Losing,


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

It's Me Kortney

When I got the e-mail announcing that this Weight Loss Challenge was going to be held. I thought heck what do I have to lose........oh wait just POUNDS!!!

Well I guess I will post my story on here along with my picture. My name is Kortney and I am 24 years old. I have been working as a 911 dispatcher for about 4 years now and love it. 2010 wasn't so nice to me, I went thru one of the hardest times of my life in April when my mom passed away suddenly. That is when I put on all my weight. I was 260 at the time or just below and after the summer with all the stress I went thru the highest I was at was 297. I also lost my great grandpa a month later along with a close friend. After all that I decided I needed to get a grip on my weight and start losing. The holidays were hard because they were the first ones without my mom, but I managed to get thru them and still lost weight.

Now that 2011 is here I am looking at joining the military but I would have to lose 90 lbs and so this is my jump start and the beginning of my new life. I am keeping a blog about my journey to the military called "Making Me Military Issued" here is the link . I am keeping a positive outlook on life and ready for what is delt to me. I sometimes have a hard time getting to the gym because I don't have anyone to go with but I can't let that hold me back. I have also found that with my Insomnia, I have a habit of snacking in the middle of the night which I am trying to think of a way to break it.

Well that is a little about me,  can't wait to see who The Biggest Loser is!!!!

Friday, January 7, 2011

My turn! order to stay pseudo-anonymous, I've chosen to stick with my moniker Silas. So here I go...

I found myself like 8 years ago looking at a picture of myself, horrified. I don't suppose I had ever really been in shape after high school, but it was terrifying to look at. I am going to try to dig it up again, to post here.

Either way, it was bad. I had topped off at over 336 pounds. Kinda sucked.

So I vowed to make a change. A big one. I went and joined a popular weight loss program, and over the next year, I lost over 130 pounds, got to where I was happy, healthy, and thin!

Did you know that if you don't actually make a change, and STICK WITH IT, you gain all the weight back?

Well, not all of it - I don't know if Stephne will be posting the starting weight, and I am at 298.5 again.

I have been looking for motivation for a long time. It was always, "I'll start again soon," or "I'll start tomorrow," or...well, you know.

I have come to the conclusion that there IS no tomorrow. You cannot start tomorrow. It never really arrives.

So...from now on, I'm starting this moment. Not tomorrow, not Monday, not even tonight. I am starting to work my way back to health right NOW.

Well, this fun little program came along at just the right moment. I am wanting motivation, and here it is!

So far so good. Good luck to everyone...


Monday, January 3, 2011

My Story

So, in starting this challenge, I thought I'd share my story.

Back in the 10-15 years ago, I was in the best shape of my life! I was dancing 4-6 days a week for 4-6 hours a day! Plus I was at a job where I was walking around all the time! About 9 years ago, I had to change jobs to a sit down job and stop dancing. instead of finding something else to do, I just kept eating the same and not working out. THEN I got pregnant! All in all I gained like 70 lbs and I've never really gotten it back off again.

About a year ago, I was at 236 lbs. I was so grateful to Danielle for starting the challenge last year! I had a hard time getting going, but with a huge change of heart last March, I ended up loosing enough to win that challenge last year! AND I kept on losing! As of right now, I'm at 191 lbs! THAT'S 45 LBS LOST!!!!! I've been under the 200 lbs mark for a couple months now. It was also a HUGE thing to go shopping last week and purchase clothes that were 4 sizes smaller than last year! AND THEY FIT GREAT! Not too tight! It's AWESOME!

I've learned within this past year of my journey that what you eat is just as important, if not more important, than how much you exercise! There were times where I would go weeks without losing any weight and it was super frustrating! I would go a couple days being really strict with what I eat, and I would lose! I found an amazing website where I would track my calories. When I did this, I would lose faster! It has amazing app's for blackberry, iphone and droids. It was wonderful to have it on the go! It's amazing the decisions that are made when you know how many calories you're taking in!

Here are some of my "before" pictures from last year

And here are some photos of me now....

I still have 20-30 lbs to lose, so these are now my "before" pictures for this year!

Here's to SHRINKING some more!!!!!!