Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Weigh In again!

So, this is the 1/2 way mark weigh in!!!! Please send me your weights for this week and once I get everyone's weights, I'll let you know how much percentage you've lost :)

I also found a pretty good article. I know we're all probably grilling this summer, and here's a few recipes for that summer gril!

Hope you're all having a great summer so far!!!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Another Great Article!

Hi there!

I found another great article today!

It has some great tips on how to change the small things in your lifestyle that make big differences! Many times, we have the mindset of doing "all or nothing" when it comes to our weight loss. Making small and simple steps make a great difference and are much more attainable!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Freckles - Signing In!

Hello everyone, I never wrote anything on here during the last challenge, so I thought I would get more involved this time around and be more accountable for my efforts.

This week, I weighed in at 191.6, the heaviest I have ever been in my life!! I thought, something's gotta change, NOW! I've lost  a little weight in the past, but this time it's not just that I really want to, I HAVE to. None of my clothes fit anymore. I went to photograph a wedding and realized, the morning of,  that not a single pair of pants fit me. I had to wear a long skirt instead and died of heat exhaustion.

My husband lost his job a few months ago and money is tight so I've put my gym membership on hold. This is my perfect storm, tons of stress, a whacky thyroid (oh and no health insurance) with no scheduled physical outlet. I've gained 10 pounds since he lost his job. Well that is about to change! While I can't afford the monthly gym membership, I did pool together $100 to buy a new gadget, similar to the body bug. It's called a Fitbit. It tracks everything the body bug does, but you can access al their online tools for free, no monthly membership fee. : ) I think this will help motivate me to get out and do more.

I am going to try new things and get more active outside the gym. For instance,  today I went on a 40 minute bike ride, biking my kids to their friend's houses and back. So stay tuned for more posts from me reporting my progress, and hopefully some pounds lost!

Exercise Article

Hi there!

Found this article online, and these exercises are pretty cool! I just did them and I can feel I'm going to be sore tomorrow!!!!

Enjoy!!!!! Keep it up! We're 1/2 way thru!!!!